Sound Off: World Views and The Empowerment Factor

Co-Creating our Future

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Integrative Politics and Freedom-revisited

‘Immense Moral Cowardice’, to use a term from Common Dreams on a Canadian issue, appears to apply appropriately to the state of the world referenced in this lecture. The outcomes are self-evident if we persist in this aggregate direction –  extinction.

I may suggest viewing the video with a group of close friends, looking each other in the eye and heart as you weigh the overall, cumulative direction we are pushing life and future generations towards, paying extremely close attention to the ease of solutions and directional change.

Above video for those that may have missed the initial event a year ago.

news & events

marianne williamson & deepak chopra launch integrative politics

may 23, 2017


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The opportunity to be kind, loving and considerate to others – timely reminder from the voice of reason.

……Actually an ageless reminder “on earth as it is in heaven”. (Heaven updated – the extrasensory frequency dimension of timeless pure Creation).

What makes Bryant McGill’s article so profound a refresher, is that his points can be verified by a more holistic, 3D version of E=MC2 energy concept of space time mass matter energy gravity defining our reality.

The opportunity to be kind, loving and considerate to others


“Within each person is the miracle of a unique consciousness unlike any other in the universe. Within you, you will find everything you need to be complete. Within you is the power of unlimited creation. Within each of us is the enormous creator potential. We must seek together to address the good aspirations of people everywhere, for we are bound together through great commonality. There is a deep interconnectedness of all life on earth, from the tiniest organisms, to the largest ecosystems, and absolutely between each person, no matter their cultures or traditions.

Because of our interconne… more “

Another question one might ask, what is keeping advanced concepts of energy – field propulsion, antigravity, teleportation, ect., in stagnant mode since the 1940’s which would have permitted space flight by the 1980’s, to all the planets in the solar system, even exploration to the nearest star systems,  Alpha Centauri ; in addition to curing our outdated economic, poverty, educational and medical ills with the simple progressive energy solutions. A perusal through nanotechnology demonstrating limitless potential, also begs to question our stagnating concept of energy. see Exploring Energy Evolution

reactionpropwoodpecker2 (1) b9f01-atom2bbuggy2bwhip

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A Typical Day, Portraying an Emerging Twisted View of Freedom

In the last half century

Who removed common sense from the idea of freedom?

Who removed common sense from our educational systems?

Lack of common sense behaviors (as shown below) are the outcomes of years of behavioral shaping and training. Outcomes ensuing from deliberate omission of vital, natural, common sense survival traits and awareness, factual data typically found in the roots of most religions. While scientific support of survival and sustainable traits exist in the biological and psychological arenas of living systems, they are ignored as such …… AND isolated from a tabooed spiritual science).

 As the balance of behaviors shift percentagewise favoring the “twist”, a Mad Max (as in the movie), will be a future leader of the radioactive remnants of humanity left standing.
A general, extremely minute snapshot of a typical day.
Adding indirectly linked corporate murder and environmental/ecological destruction with legaleze, definitely mandates a redefinition of the existing concept of freedom.
golden goose god


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Beyond the State of Bondage and Playing with Shadows

One may note bondage, on a trivial, closer to home kind, is readily observed on your (but mostly Their/Corp) controlled computer, exponentially accelerating the Force Feeding of unwanted commercials and videos. No permission needed.

Everyday Reality is a Human Construct


At the Zero point, “Consciousness isn’t an add-on. It’s the only thing that was real in the first place.” Sensations, images, feelings, thoughts are entangled modifications of awareness, the result of social and cultural conditioning and accepted systems of education. intensely real for the individual awareness embedded in it. We allow ourselves to be programmed by such systems and would feel naked and vulnerable without them. In the world’s wisdom traditions, this is known as the state of bondage”.  more

REALITY is much, much, much bigger than that.

Image result for a larger reality

A growing awareness of the priority of Zero Point/aka Consciousness, in the broader Yin Yang cycle of gravity and radioactivity (the Big Blink of Now) becomes a wee bit necessary for evolutionary survival and progress to continue. The extremely limited physical reality regards the energy, matter, light dance with their space and time associates, disconnected from the full physical-mental-spiritual spectrum described by the Radius “C” Curvature of all Natural Law (in the 3D version of the equation E=MC2) retains an ever greater choke hold on any system’s increasing complexity – topped with population growth to boot.



Exploring Energy Evolution    

The far more fundamental and simpler definitions of space time mass matter energy gravity become mandatory:

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A Crisis of Confidence

A New Story is crying to be heard.



Confidence is your ability to cope.

It is your ability to be able to depend not only on yourself but upon your world.

There has been a breach of confidence.

For many, hope has died, for others courage has disappeared.

In your Rubic’s Cube reality, where the solutions to one problem seems to only produce ten more problems confidence has been broken.

Confidence sounds so bland.  Sounds like something mother would tell you to do right after “Straighten up and act decent” and just before “Stop being such a problem!”

Yet confidence is an integral part of the positive future you plan to create.

Confidence is comprised of an almost alchemical relationship between trust and humility, hope, and courage.

The more of each ingredient you have, the more confidence you have.

The more confidence you have, the more of each ingredient you have.

It is like a perpetual motion machine.

The more it operates the more fuel it creates for operating.

The more it is used the more it is capable of being used.

The more confidence you have the more trust and humility you will muster.

The more confidence you generate, the grander is your hope and courage.

The more confidence you inspire the greater is the hope and courage of the world today and for the future world you are creating.

Perhaps there was a time when confidence was only a personal issue.

Perhaps there was a time when confidence was a luxury to be acquired at your leisure.

Now the whole world is waiting.

The whole world is watching.

What are you going to do about your confidence?

What are you going to do about the global confidence?

It is time to see the crisis and correct it.

It begins with you.

See the breach within you.  See the breach and the break within the world.

It is time to heal.

It is time to take dominion, not domination; to consciously create, not to continuously consume.

It is time to once again feel the confidence of beginning to know who you are and, even more importantly, of beginning to see who you are becoming.





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Let’s Get Beyond Physical – Gaia

Beyond fear, beyond limitation, beyond taboos, beyond playing with the shadows in the puppeteers’ designed and eventual self destruct playground —- real is more awesomely, ever growing alive ….  as tangible as the difference between waddling in oil and diapers, versus field propulsion and limitless, evolutionary survival . Once experienced, one knows, and is no longer influenced, susceptible to mis-information, including stuck in a flat, 2D version interpretation of E=mc2. If you believe in the 100th monkey syndrome, any time now, the shift to a non-destructive and limitless phase (for individual AND community) will commence, as predicted in one particular text containing the “old” testament (We, Community evolution), and the “new” testament (Me, I AM evolution) .

Let’s Get Beyond Physical


From astral projection to remote viewing, learn ways to exist beyond the physical world in the mind-expanding film The Path.

Watch The Trailer

The possibilities in reducing physical limits can be awesome.


Exploring Energy Evolution    

The far more fundamental and simpler definitions of space time mass matter energy gravity become mandatory:


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Before the Flood – Full Movie | National Geographic

As the facts surge non-stop to the surface from the muddied waters of profit and self-interest (AKA Winston tastes good like a cigarette should) and the dead and destruction are tallied, weighed, and conclusively linked to first cause – might that mandate an extension to the definition of terrorism?  Is business pro-life or against-life? The composit, directly linked, short and long term outcomes, tells the tale of proof. No regulations required, only penalties to fit the crime against life and health, by the business non-entity granted personhood, along side with its decision making associates and accomplices.

National Geographic presents an historical overview, unclouded, with inclusion of the ” Winston tastes good like a cigarette should” business phases.


Before the Flood – Full Movie | National Geographic 

A simple read into basic 4th grade science below would dispel all induced lies, ommisions, disinformation and “look yonder”disconnected scientific facts, as well as reveal how a 3D version of E=mc2 has been successfully kept in 2D ‘flatland’ representing THE major crime against humanity.


Exploring Energy Evolution    

The far more fundamental and simpler definitions of space time mass matter energy gravity become mandatory:


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Human Evolution vs Repetitive History of Stupidity


“We spend a great deal of time studying history,” Hawking explained, “which, let’s face it, is mostly the history of stupidity.” Yet, while past errors show us the dangers of our continued stagnation, the same mistakes occur over and over again. “So it’s a welcome change that people are studying instead the future of intelligence,” he noted.

The Future of Intelligence




Sir Roger Penrose’s viewpoint on the quantum nature of consciousness

To deter and impede the natural progress and processes of Nature can produce a spectacular implosion detrimental to life.

Lockheed Skunkworks Director Blows Lid Off Of Secret Government Space Travel (Quantum Entanglement)


“We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do it.” (1)

“We now have technology to take ET home. No it won’t take someone’s lifetime to do it. There is an error in the equations. We know what it is. We now have the capability to travel to the stars.” (1)

“There are two types of UFOs — the ones we build and the ones ‘they’ build.” (1)


Ralph Nader has some excellent points on breaking through Power, stop being played, and ceasing the stagnant, repetitious cycles of history.

I am positive no one willingly wants to prove Humans are stagnant and stupid, incapable of evolving further. But rest assured, without wisdom or a scientific spiritual foundation to offset primitive base behavior, the subsequent blasts and deadly silent fire (radioactivity) will put humanity in a devastating repeat/re-do mode.

Breaking Through Power: It’s Easier Than We Think  Ralph Nader

“The job of the rulers is always to find that line and provide the lowest level of pay, security, housing, consumer protection, healthcare, and political access for society so that they can extract and hoard the greatest amount of wealth, power, and immunity from justice for themselves. In many ways, the majority of Americans live in a democracy of minimums, while the privileged few enjoy a plutocracy of maximums.”

NOT WISDOM  Three Massive Mergers—Millions for One Bank and a Disaster for Food, Water, and Climate


NOT WISDOM The scariest moments of the financial crisis

<p>Source: <a href="">BBC</a></p>

What lies ahead of us and what unknowns still lie behind us, are too magnificent to ignore while playing in the meager shadows of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, repeating the ever more devastating consequences. 

The ‘3D’ Version of E=mc2 

The far more fundamental and simpler definitions of space time mass matter energy gravity become mandatory:

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Slipping into the Past with a hell of a lot more Power

Blog editor’s note: an alternate, more politically correct title for the Common Dreams article below would be – ‘Be Excited, the Games (football, etc.) are Coming: Largest Corporations Wealthier than most countries’

‘Be Afraid’: Largest Corporations Wealthier Than Most Countries

‘The power of corporations is so great within our society that they have undermined the idea that there is any other way to run society’   by Nika Knight, staff writer

“The drive for short-term profits today seems to trump basic human rights for millions of people on the planet.”  —Nick Dearden, Global Justice Now

Celebrate! The Games are coming! Long Live the Emperor!


The Divine Right Of Capitol 

For those stuck in shallow, isolated, disconnected bits and pieces of reality, incapable of seeing a composite picture or history, sufficient to differentiate between trivia functions and major, dominant, catastrophic, cause and effects ….. some reminders follow.

future legends

Teaching Wisdom
roadrage roadrage roadrage

Here is How

A more refined view of E=MC2 discloses Light (C) as The Radius of Curvature of All Natural Law, equating to the kinetic energy equivalent of the mass energy of matter
meaning if a differential of energy equal to this quantity exists between the observer and the point which he is observing, the natural laws will be suspended. If the energy differential is in excess of the quantity C, the laws will appear to operate in reverse at that point.

The far more fundamental and simpler definitions of space time mass matter energy gravity become mandatory:

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Caution Ahead: Balance is a Necessity in the LIFE IS GOOD Scene


Caution Ahead: The Times are Building Toward Extreme Volatility Ready to Explode with a Tiny Spark


The Preparation, “dumbingdownization “,  is Complete.

The grip upon Obedience is now totalitarian.

Revisiting the Nature of Power


Poverty, Massive Economic Divide, Worldwide Economic Collapse = “NOT” balance


ANAL = “NOT” balance


And so it continues 9/9/16 : Wells Fargo fined for opening millions of fake accounts


Also Not Going Away: Scientific Study: ‘Towers Collapsed Due To Controlled Demolition’.

Regardless of insufficient facts, assumptions and speculation, the profits from a Forever War are staggering!  Collateral damage, a small sacrifice made for the greater good….. it’s no wonder John Taylor Gatto threw his NYC Teacher of The Year award away, and wrote “Dumbing Us Down”. Besides, ‘we gots rid of all them thar weapons of mass donkeys that were threatening us’…. on worldwide live theater to boot. What a show!

“Forever war, oil, control and kill, kill, kill, are dominating the news and social media, replacing religious and biblical/Christian expressions, themes, that are based upon sustainable survival standards for both individual and community.

Puppeteers, play those strings majestically, as collectively, the subdued, obedient puppets dance to your strategically designed tunes.

All that money, yet the 911 questions linger and continue by experts – Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, a nonprofit organization that today represents more than 2,500 architects and engineers.