Sound Off: World Views and The Empowerment Factor

Co-Creating our Future

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A Typical Day, Portraying an Emerging Twisted View of Freedom

In the last half century

Who removed common sense from the idea of freedom?

Who removed common sense from our educational systems?

Lack of common sense behaviors (as shown below) are the outcomes of years of behavioral shaping and training. Outcomes ensuing from deliberate omission of vital, natural, common sense survival traits and awareness, factual data typically found in the roots of most religions. While scientific support of survival and sustainable traits exist in the biological and psychological arenas of living systems, they are ignored as such …… AND isolated from a tabooed spiritual science).

 As the balance of behaviors shift percentagewise favoring the “twist”, a Mad Max (as in the movie), will be a future leader of the radioactive remnants of humanity left standing.
A general, extremely minute snapshot of a typical day.
Adding indirectly linked corporate murder and environmental/ecological destruction with legaleze, definitely mandates a redefinition of the existing concept of freedom.
golden goose god